The Education Decision Support Library is an award-winning enterprise decision support system designed and developed by Fairfax County Public Schools, the largest school district in Virginia and 11th largest in the nation, in partnership with Insystech.
EDSL is a one-stop-shop: a fully web-based data warehouse that provides easy access to all information that helps schools succeed. It includes No Child Left Behind (NCLB) reporting, school improvement planning, teacher training, program evaluation, and other resources to effectively manage school districts. More than 200,000 students benefit from their educators making data-driven decisions through EDSL.
EDSL is a division-wide, web-based data warehouse that provides easy access to, and analysis for, the following data:
No Child Left Behind (NCLB) reporting
Standardized tests results analysis
Student achievement and accountability
Student discipline
School demographics and improvement planning
Teacher qualification
…And more!
In addition to working closely with FCPS in developing and maintaining EDSL, we procured a contract to implement EDSL in other school districts. Insystech hosted and serviced EDSL in its EDSLxa (EDSL extra analytics) version for school districts in Virginia between 2003 and 2007. After publishing the data that we collected and processed in reports, our team trained educators on data interpretation and making informed decisions. As a result of these efforts, all participating districts noted significant improvements in their student’s performance.