TEAMS wowed attendees of the 2014 MAG Conference in Ocean City, MD

July 26, 2019

Ajay Jarat

TEAMS was presented to District Administrators, School Administrators, Testing Coordinators and Teachers at the Maryland Assessment Group (MAG) on October 21, 22 at the Annual Conference in Ocean City, MD. Representatives from Charles County demonstrated TEAMS latest module, Professional Practice, which has been released for Teacher and Principal Evaluations (TPE) to a packed conference hall of attendees. Charles County has been an active member of TEAMS for over two years and is using the Evals Hub as a “one-stop-shop” for their entire TPE process.

Insystech also demonstrated TEAMS and answered questions at the booth. Every participant who had a chance to look at TEAMS gave it 2 thumbs up and was very excited about how the Teacher and Principal Evaluation process can be conducted efficiently and with complete transparency.  Find out how TEAMS can bring openness and efficiency to your TPE process today!